Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Back to the gym this evening. I am going to try a slower pace again and see if I can do the whole run with less or no slowing down. Up till now I have been running for 5-10 minutes and then walking for 2 minutes. I run for longer at the early stages and I typically run twice as fast as I walk. I want to get to the 8k mark without slowing down, so tonight I am going to try to get to 6k at the same pace (i.e. without any slow down). Then I will try to build up the distance, once I hit the 8k I will try to speed it up. I reckon my 6k times are very slow, but with a little time all will get better.

Have been looking at buying some new hardware. Prices in Ireland are very expensive. I normally wait until I am in the US and get what I am looking for there. The benefit is threefold, the currency exchange is currently very much in my favour, most shops in the US are selling newer stock (i.e. if a 1Mb memory key is the mid point here, them a 2Mb will the midpoint in the US) and prices are lower (actual competition). Most shops also have some rebate option when they are trying to shift stock, which can save me anything from 20-80%. I normally go to Frys. But this time I went with Amazon (.co.uk) for my goods. Get this, Amazon was cheaper than buying from the principal distributor for this product! I don't mean reseller and I am including shipping! True, it could be a case where I am not getting special pricing, but further investigation reveals that the price I was quoted is the best available. So I pity any mugs who are buying from a reseller thinking they are getting a better deal. I accept though that this may not be the case for every product, but, this is the rule and not the exception.

On yeh......ever notice there are no phone numbers or contact e-mail addresses for Amazon? Go to there help pages and they say click on the left......bet you won't find one. Well, I wasn't able. But it seems somebody else has had the same issue and found a solution.

I have to stop being so negative and tell the good news stories.

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